Monday, November 16, 2015

How To Perform Best in Sports

Become a top performer in your game with the Power of Subconscious Mind

Every sportsperson has a limited time and career where he has to perform at the peak to stay in the game or team. He not only needs the sports skills but also the ‘form’ or ‘zone’ or simply the’ right state of mind’ on the particular time when he is supposed to perform.

Whether you are a cricketer and playing the next IPL, or a shooter, wrestler or an athlete, you need to be in your zone at the right time. You can’t afford to postpone to the next game.

If you want to bring your best form back in an instant, here is the NLP technique called anchoring. With the help of ‘anchoring’, you will be able to put yourself in your resourceful state in the least possible time.

Anchoring is a process of creating a link between a state (that you need) and a trigger. It is based on Dr Ivan Pavlov’s experiment on conditioning of mind.

The process is simple, you, as a sportsperson need to put yourself in the most resourceful state and create a trigger (it could be visual, auditory or kinesthetic).

To put yourself in the most resourceful state, you can help yourself recall the time when you performed well;  and get associated fully with that event and state also.

This wonderful NLP exercise will help you become Dhonis, Tendulkars, Sehwags or Virats of cricket. You can shine as Sushils of wrestling or Sanias of Tennis.

You can learn more about anchoring in the video. Also, you can learn more about NLP Subconscious ReImprinting through 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Double Your Memory

Do you want to make your chaild a Super Intelligent child? Here is the the technique of the human mind called NLP Subscoinscioius ReImprinting.
With the help of NLP SubConscious ReImprinting, yo child will learn to retain his subjects ten times faster. Not only memory, he will be more confident, moticvated and stress free.

You can attend FREE workshop with your child on Novemer 21, 2015 at India Social Instititue, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.To book your seat, call at 09873155244.

For more information, visit

How to Grow Ur Business & Money

Clarity of Communication between Your Conscious And Subconscious Mind

'How to grow your business' has always been a prime agenda in your mind not only for survival but also for bigger contribution to yourself, your society, your employees and your clients.

Have you ever thought as to why some people are growing their business comfortably without any stress while some are struggling hard to achieve their business goals?

Here is the secret that you must know.
You have two minds to help yourself. One is your conscious mind and the other is the subconscious one.
Your conscious mind is your present awareness of your surroundings and the outer world. That awareness you perceive through your senses like eyes (visual sense), ears (auditory sense) or muscles (Feeling or Kinesthetic sense). This perception may not be perceived by your subconscious mind as human mind deletes, distorts or generalizes the information before it stores in subconscious mind. For example, you can read how to drive your car a number of times (the conscious learning), but you will not be able to drive a car as it is not learnt by your subconscious mind.

This is the secret. If you want to achieve any business or money goals, then our learning about any goal at conscious level is may not be working in your favor; and you will find that you are struggling hard and experiencing a lot of stress in achieving your goals.

Once you are able to formulate your business and money goals with the help of your conscious mind or awareness, then you need to tell your subconscious mind about these goals. Once your subconscious mind is programmed well, you will be able to attract people and opportunities around you that will help you realize your business and money dreams.

If it is so simple then what stops people doing that! It may be your question. The answer is the lack of knowledge of the human mind technology that can create the clear communication between conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

Here is the simple solution to that amazing process; NLP Subconscious ReImprinting! Yes you can reprogram your mind with NLP Subconscious ReImprinting and grow your business. 

We are offering Business and Money NLP workshops in India. These workshop will help you reprogram your mind and realize your finacial goals.

You can have more information in FREE workshop for Business and Money success by Ram Verma. You can contact us on 9873155244/9818099243 or visit our website to book your seat @

How To Get Rich In India

How I Changed The Belief About Money (Personal Experience)

During my training program in Gujrat, I met a person who was always having a belief that he will never attract money. On asking him as to how he has made this belief I came to know about his submodalities about money in his subconscious mind. (In NLP, Submodalities are the qualities if the images/audios/feelings about anything in mind).

I asked him to think about money and found that the images of money were a still photo placed at a distance. It was blurred and having no feelings.

Then I asked him to find out a thing for which he is sure about that this thing will come to him consistently and unconditionally. After a while he said, “Air”.

Now he has given me a clue of his subconscious as to what his subconscious is sure of achieving or having. I explored the submodalities of air now. He told me that he sees air continuously coming to him from all direction. The picture is clear and near in the front. Also, the feelings are soothing in the upper part. 

Now with the help of NLP Subconscious ReImprinting, I replaced the qualities of the images of money with the images of air. In no time, the person was able to see the money coming to him unconditionally and continuously. I helped him enjoy the same feeling while doing the replacement.

Friends, if you want to become rich, you need to replace limiting beliefs. And this all is possible through NLP. With NLP you can enjoy the ultimate Power of Your Subconscious Mind.

Now you can have complete makeover of your subconscious Mind for money through my NLP Subconscious ReImprinting workshops. For that you may call, Kusum 09873155244 or visit my website