What is NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) is the study of what works in thinking, language, and behavior. It provides a systematic framework for directing our brain and body. It defines the way how we code and produce excellence which enables us to achieve the results that we want in each area of life.
NLP training in India is conducted by Ram Verma for Certification Training in India, Course- Master Practitioner for corporate and individuals at Delhi and various cities.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
NLP Training
NLP Training in India
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Benefits of NLP
Enhanced communication with others and yourself
Heightened creativity and ability to learn
Release of destructive relationships; enhanced or attraction of rewarding relationships
Quick rapport building with people
Eliciting the core of any information
Discovery or reinforcement of your purpose in life
Resolution of self-sabotage and conflicts
Turning limiting beliefs into empowering ones
The ability to influence and motivate people
Managing your emotions and personal composure
Overcoming unproductive and unhealthy habits, such as procrastination, smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, & over-eating etc.
Powerful coaching skills to assist others in achieving their goals
Expanded belief of what is possible for you
And much more...
ram verma
Benefits of NLP
Enhanced communication with others and yourself
Heightened creativity and ability to learn
Release of destructive relationships; enhanced or attraction of rewarding relationships
Quick rapport building with people
Eliciting the core of any information
Discovery or reinforcement of your purpose in life
Resolution of self-sabotage and conflicts
Turning limiting beliefs into empowering ones
The ability to influence and motivate people
Managing your emotions and personal composure
Overcoming unproductive and unhealthy habits, such as procrastination, smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco, & over-eating etc.
Powerful coaching skills to assist others in achieving their goals
Expanded belief of what is possible for you
And much more...
ram verma
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Change Unpleasant Memory Thru NLP
The steps are;
1. Watch the problem in a movie form
2. Now select a theme music that mismatches the emotional states that you got from the movie you just watched.
3. Repeat that movie with that music in your mind
4. Check outcome, repeat it you are comfortable.
For more NLP techniques keep reading my blog or visit my website, www.ramverma.com
Ram Verma
NLP Changed My Life Ram Verma
First time I came to know about NLP through Anthony Robbins' 'Unlimited Power'. I started practicing those techniques and changing my negative mind, body and language patterns to resourceful ones, and that too in a very short time, and some times in a few moments. Since then I have read many a book on NLP written by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Joseph O'conor, Sue Knight and Steve Andrews. Not only this I have undergone various trainings by Richard Bandler's and Dr Horton's trainers also. Just by exercising NLP techniques I got rid of negative behaviors. I gained a tremendous amount of confidence. I enjoy good physical, mental and emotional health.
I learnt the NLP techniques called 'Modeling' and started producing the same results as the successful people were producing. I learnt 'rapport' and started getting connected to people and created a network of people. I learnt 'Meta Model and Meta Program' and became a communicator. I learnt 'Modalities and Sub-Modalities' and changed my negative and painful past memories and created enough space for positive and resourceful states. I learnt 'Anchoring' and came to know how to get the lost 'zone of excellence' in an instant. I learnt 'Reframing' and learnt how to change my negative behaviors and habits. Any one can learn all these techniques in five to six days and can take the control of his life.
more on www.ramverma.com
It is not uncommon to look at these people who have life’s greatest rewards with a tinge of jealousy and envy. It is not uncommon to think that these people have been in some way blessed with more luck, more brains or more talent.
However, if you study the lives of highly successful individuals, you would find that at some point in their lives, they went through the greatest of problems and challenges. A business failure, bankruptcy, life threatening illness, divorce, lawsuit, financial loss etc… They all went through a time when life seemed unfair and things seemed hopeless. A time when the average person would cry, run away and surrender in defeat. The only reason why they are where there are today is because they refused to quit, they refused to accept defeat, they kept getting up and moving forward until they succeeded.
So, how do I know this? It’s because I have spent the last 20 years of my life studying successful people (by reading their biographies) and understanding what was really behind their tremendous success. In fact, I have found that the bigger the problems they had to overcome in the past, the bigger their rewards were at the end of the day.
ram verma
You can write about your goals and how you’ve achieved them, or you can share about your financial success, personal development, relationships, academic triumphs, etc. It’s really up to you!
Here’s how to share your story:
You can leave a comment here or simply send an email to info@ramverma.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
With Love,
Make your life masterpiece thru NLP ram verma
Khalil Gibran, one of the well known thinkers of the world rightly says that in life we either grow or decay. And this statement applies in every area of life, be it our physical health, mental well being, social standing, financial destiny or the relationship we are in. We are always heading for one or the other direction.
Hi, I am Ram verma. Friends, some unseen forces have brought you and me together through this message. For me, this is a wonderful opportunity to share with you some of the tools that millions of people are using to take control of their lives.
Life is not static. It keeps going on with or without your appreciation or permission. We all are heading towards our destiny. And our destiny is nothing but the results we are producing.
You and I are continuously producing results in life; some that we desire and deserve and some we don’t. The sum total of these results designs our lives. They determine who and what we will be, where we will be, who our friends will be and how we will be leading our lives.
Though none of us wants to produce the results that are detrimental to our lives, yet there seems a gap between the results we are producing and the results we need to produce; a gap between the action we are taking and the actions we need to take; a gap between the behaviors we are making and the behaviors we need to make. And this gap causes the ultimate pain in life.
We experience this pain in form of anger, discomfort, frustration, loneliness, guilt, sadness or depression. These emotions simply knock at to make us realize that there exists a gap between what is happening and what needs to happen.
To plug this gap and alleviate pain, we strive hard to change. We want to change the way we think, feel and act. To make an effort to change, we even make some conscious decisions. We write New Year resolutions, join some class or club or buy some books. But after some time resolutions are broken or delayed for next year, books are kept in cupboards, unread and classes are discontinued. And once again, we find ourselves stuck in the same old thinking, behaviors and habits. And it seems that life universe or our own energy don’t support us. And we come across a person sitting inside us saying to us, “I wish you were different.”
Friends, the challenges lie there and so does the solution too. You don’t lack resources that can address those challenges rather you lack the resourcefulness that controls these challenges. Once you get an access to the resourcefulness that lies within, you awaken the giant that has been sleeping within you.
Here is the technology that can help you take control of each area of your life; Neuro Linguistic Programming, a tool that you can use along with millions of people to transform your life.
NLP is software manual for your body and brain with which you will make desired results and create peak in your actions and results.
While concluding, I wish you a healthy and meaningful life. May you enjoy each moment of what you do. May you be the first recipient of the gifts God offers. May your family feel the ultimate bliss of life. May your career, business and profession grow the way you want.
With this message, I invite you to meet and make an effort to design this life a masterpiece……because you deserve it.
NLP for Negative Thinking by Ram Verma
Like others do you talk to yourself?
Self-talk is a habitual process we all go through. Sometimes, we talk to ourselves nicely, sometimes we don’t. I’ll be willing to bet that we all experience some or the other form of negative self-talk some of the time.
If this gets out of hand, you might actually experience lower levels of motivation, productivity and energy, and possibly depression and other related illness.
So in order to kick start a new habit, you need a couple of things.
#1 – Find what is the source of negative thinking?
If you experience the negative thought as an imaginary voice in your mind telling you that you can’t do something (such as your father/mother/boss, etc), then you may go one step beyond just the verbalized message. What is the reason they might say that? Perhaps they are worried for you, or that you could get hurt. By exploring their highest positive intention, you will soon get to the root of the issue and begin to diffuse the negative thought. Once you discover this, repeat in your mind “They only want me to ____” and fill that blank with their positive intent.
#2 – What replacement habit do you want?
We all know that negative thinking is a cycle of habit. If you have negative thoughts, it could be because you’ve turned it into a habit. One of my NLP participant got trained to think negative simply because he felt it was the requirement of his job. He started by believing that he had to always think of the worst case scenario in his job as a quality assurance manager. However, this habit started to eat away at lots of other things in his life including his family, and his family members sometimes just wanted comfort and understanding, not a troubleshooter.
So eventually he learned how to differentiate the need for building a contingency for things on the job versus really listening to people.
To do this, you can frame up your experience by focusing fully on the mental context. When does negative thinking come up when it’s not useful? Now, in that context, choose specifically what you would like to think instead. I’d suggest that you pick up an NLP Practitioner program to discover the various ways to do this ).
#3 – Does negative thinking stop you from taking action?
A lot of my clients and students tell me that they just can’t do anything once they get into a spiral of negative thought. Here’s a simple technique I found works.
For the longest time, you may have been procrastinating exercising because you would effectively talk tpo yourself out of it. Whenever you are already dressed to go for a run, you could talk to yourself into eating or playing a computer game. Unfortunately, this caused a lot of problems for your exercise routine. So you realized that the best way to stop procrastinating was to stop that inner voice. When you need to make a decision, an effective strategy occurs when the thing to be done is acted upon, not “thought” about. Test it out – once you have a mental trigger about what to do, use that to get into action, not talk to yourself. You’ll then find there’s no need to even eliminate negative thinking because you won’t have the mental space for it in the first place!
For more details, visit www.ramverma.com
Presupposition of NLP by Ram Verma
The thirteen presuppositions are the central principles central of NLP; they are its guiding philosophy, its ‘beliefs’. These principles are not claimed to be true or universal. You do not have to believe they are true. They are called presuppositions because you pre-suppose them to be true and then act as if they were. You then discover what happens. If you like the results then continue to act as if they are true. They form a set of ethical principles for life.
1. People respond to their experience, not to reality itself.
We do not know what reality is. Our senses, beliefs, and past experience give us a map of the world from which to operate. A map can never be exactly accurate; otherwise it would be the same as the ground it covers. We do not know the territory, so for us, the map is the territory. Some maps are better than others for finding your way around. We navigate life like a ship through a dangerous area of sea; as long as the map shows the main hazards, we will be fine. When maps are faulty and do not show the dangers, then we are in danger of running aground. NLP is the art of changing these maps, so we have greater freedom of action.
2. Having a choice is better than not having a choice.
Always try to have a map for yourself that gives you the widest and richest number of choices. Act always to increase choice. The more choices you have, the freer you are and the more influence you have.
3. People make the best choice they can at the time.
A person always makes the best choice they can, given their map of the world. The choice may be self-defeating, bizarre or evil, but for them, it seems the best way forward. Give them a better choice in their map of the world and they will take it. Even better give them a superior map with more choices in it.
4. People work perfectly.
No one is wrong or broken. They are carrying out their strategies perfectly, but the strategies may be poorly designed and ineffective. Find out how you and others do what they do so their strategy can be changed to something more useful and desirable.
5. All actions have a purpose.
Our actions are not random; we are always trying to achieve something, although we may not be aware of what that is.
6. Every behaviour has a positive intention.
All our actions have at least one purpose - to achieve something that we value and benefits us. NLP separates the intention or purpose behind an action from the action itself. A person is not their behaviour. When a person has a better choice of behaviour that also achieves their positive intention, they will take it.
7. The unconscious mind balances the conscious; it is not malicious.
The unconscious is everything that is not in consciousness at the present moment. It contains all the resources we need to live in balance.
8. The meaning of the communication is not simply what you intend, but also the response you get.[/b]
This response may be different to the one you wanted. There are no failures in communication, only responses and feedback. If you are not getting the result you want, change what you are doing. Take responsibility for the communication.
9. We already have all the resources we need, or we can create them.
There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states of mind.
10. Mind and body form a system. They are different expressions of the one person.
Mind and body interact and mutually influence each other. It is not possible to make a change in one without the other being affected. When we think differently, our bodies change. When we act differently we change our thoughts and feelings.
11. We process all information through our senses.
Developing your sense so they become more acute gives you better information and helps you think more clearly.
12. Modeling successful performance leads to excellence.
If one person can do something it is possible to model it and teach it to others. In this way everyone can learn to get better results in their own way, you do not become a clone of the model – you learn from them.
13. If you want to understand - Act
The learning is in the doing.
More on www.ramverma.com
I will elimiinate your phobia in 30 min thru nlp ram verma
For the last eight years I have been helping people from all walks of life to get rid of this ‘irrational’ fear. Now you can get rid of any past trauma or phobia in less than 30 minutes permanently through Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Most of your allergies and disease are the result of such phobias. When some of our body cells perceive any foreign material as an attack, they start showing an irrational behavior in the form of allergy.
In 2004, while working with a school child in Hyderabad, I treated successfully his stammering that was an irrational response to his facing his one of the subject teacher in her school.
I invite you in my one of the most empowering workshops to make a positive change in your life. Come and enjoy freedom and go ahead to contribute to the world in a positive way.
Here lies the detail of the Workshop:
Name of the Workshop : Eliminate your life-long trauma and phobia
Location/Venue : Delhi
Date and Time : March 2010
Personal Counselling
Personal counselling for phobia and trauma available with 100% result guaranteed
To avoid any rush or disappointment, please reach the venue of the workshop in time and take your seats. The seats are available on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
For schools, 1-day workshop available for 1. Phobia/trauma elimination, 2. Confidence conditioning & 3. Healing inner self-image/esteem & 4. Overcoming unwanted habit. Free 2-hour preview availbale in Delhi and NCR on request.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sachin sehwag scores centuries at Eden Garden
When sehwag starte his career he model completely sachin tendulkar and produced the same results. Even sachin wrote recently that sehwag while batting with sachin, it was hard for people as to who was who.
Modeling is one of the greatest NLP technique to create excellence in any field.
To create you have to model three things, first the physiology, second the belief system and the third the syntax. To understand, learn NLP by Ram Verma, visit, www.ramverma.com
NLP, basic terms
1. [b]Anchoring/Triggers: The principle by which any stimulus or representation (internal or external) connects to, and triggers a response. (Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?)
2. Representational Systems: The way we access our world through our five senses, visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory and olfactory. If we lacked all five of these, we would have no way to relate to our environment, inside or out.
3. Sub-modalities: Distinctions within each representational system that create the smallest building blocks, or in other words, all the pesky details of our thoughts. Most sub-modalities vary continuously, as if controlled by a dimmer switch.
4. Strategy: A set of explicit mental and behavioral steps used to achieve a specific outcome. It is how you know when it's time to do something, buy something, love someone, etc. For instance, you might see a new computer, feel the keyboard, think about it for a while to see if you really need it and then you might buy it. Or not.
5. Language Patterns: The observation of our choice of words and how it affects the way we represent and respond to our world. Can you see what I'm saying? Am I making myself clear? Everybody feels the same way, or does that smell fishy to you?
For more visit, www.ramverma.com
NLP Training; Importance
You might offer words like: value, tools, knowledge, credibility in my field. Those would be your ‘criteria.' In other words, those are the ‘hot buttons’ that I could use to influence you because you have just told me they are important. Are you shocked that I would tell you that? Well, you haven’t heard anything yet. Wait until you take an NLP Training and find all the tools and valuable knowledge you will be able to apply to your field! Wow! What credibility you’ll have!
Now for a few more provocative questions to stir your mind:
•Has it ever occurred to you that you are perfect, exactly as you are?
•Has it ever occurred to you that you are unique in all the world and that you are amazing?
•Has it ever occurred to you that you have all the tools for prosperity you need inside of you, and that all you have to do is unlock that treasure?
Now when your desire for more knowledge about NLP becomes really important to you, we can train you, as quickly as you need to proceed. You can find out more about our NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training’s called Applied Fundamentals of NLP by Ram Verma. We’d love to hear from you, as quickly as… right now! visit www.ramverma.com
The Way To Wellness:
Have you ever wondered how NLP teaches you to be an excellent communicator? When I conduct NLP Training on wellness I include some compelling ways to use your communication skills to achieve the greatest results. Many people want to learn how to use ‘embedded commands’ so that other people won’t be able to tell they are making covert ‘suggestions.’ It’s true that ‘embedded commands’ can be effective, however, would it surprise you to learn, right now, that there is a rapid, deceptively easy tool that can get results even more rapidly than learning the ins and outs of embedded commands? It’s simple! Ask questions!
For more, visit, www.ramvrma.com
NLP Workshop In Delhi/India by Ram Verma
This 5-day Life Transforming Certification Programme:
People Do Make Time For NLP Training.
Ram Verma designs the most effective and time saving Fast Track NLP course; Applied Fundamentals of Neuro Linguistic Programming (AFNLP)
Come on! Take 5 days off & enjoy the company of amazing participants from all corners of the country (may be globe, who knows?) and learn the amazing technology to stay in control in each field of your life. You will appreciate the fact that life gives us as much as we deserve to attain and retain. Be the source of attraction of the things you desire and deserve in life. This is why you definitely have a need to learn more of this technology. You may have read books, done home tutorials, listened to audio tapes, and watched videos - with the hope that you could master NLP, but remember, NLP is a skill, a model of communication and language, a technology, an art, a science, and an experience, and this is why it needs practical approach.
You can read a lot about swimming, you can watch people swim a lot, and also you can listen to all instructions about swimming life long, yet you can't learn swimming until you jump into the pool and experience what swimming is.
This 5-day program aims at coaching you to a point where you are able to understand and apply NLP techniques to transform yourself and others around you. A number of life transforming activities are interspersed to experience and use these NLP techniques to overcome life barriers and make way to reach the better side of life. The training program is designed to identify and eliminate your limiting and unresourceful patterns/beliefs.
You will learn the tools of how to turn this rapid-change technology a reality. You will learn in easy-to-comprehend Hinglish -- from the person who has addressed more than one lac people in more than twenty five cities in the last nine years and exposed the secret myth of NLP. This will be an intensive, entertaining and educational hands-on worth remembering experience.
Why you need to take this course NOW:
This unique life-changing training program will help you
• Understand yourself and people better than you ever have before.
• Respond to others in all of your communications, and get more of what you desire.
• Alter your thinking pattern and be more effective.
• Set amazing goals in ways that ensure success.
• Be able to build instant rapport with anyone.
• Take control of almost any situation.
• Remove the emotional charge from unpleasant and painful memories.
• Eliminate and remove difficulties in your personal and personal life by identifying and altering the patterns that create them.
• Learn how to improve and use states of mind and body.
• Create useful states of mind, and use the best states of mind at the worst of times.
• Break out of unwanted emotional states of mind at will.
• Have your best resources available to you any time you need them, by developing your personal circle of excellence.
Comprehensive NLP; Basic and Master Combined Practitioner Residential Course
24th April to 28th April 2010.
Ram Verma.
Varindavan (A well known place known for Lord Krishna’s birth on Delhi Agra Road, 90 km from Delhi).
Course Investment
30,000/- [Includes course fee with master certification from AFNLP, Boarding & Lodging with twin sharing].
Course Investment (For International Students)
$ 600/- [Includes course fee with master certification, Boarding & Lodging with twin sharing]
Registration closes on March 30, 2010 or at 20 participants (whichever is earlier, so decideand ACT NOW!).
Contact: Ish +91-92 151 92 181, or email: ramverma215@gmail.com
Course Outline: This module is the first step towards tapping the amazing power of Neuro Linguistic Programming effectively and utilizing the resources of your subconscious mind. This course will enhance your abilities of communication and creativity and massage the builder brain, also known as right brain.
The course methodology: Lectures for understanding the mechanism of mind and NLP, experiential learning, group exercises, role plays, powerful visualization and relaxation techniques etc.
Course Content:
• Understanding the Conscious mind (the thinking mind) and subconscious mind (the builder mind)
• Personalized Internal Representational Systems to understand the individual approach to communication
• Eye accessing cues and eliciting resourceful states instantaneously
• Building and maintaining multi-level rapport with both individuals and groups
• Developing Sensory Acuity - Seeing and Hearing expertly and calibrating
• Understanding world reality and my perception and handling people
• Improving personal relationships: Power of Positive Reasoning.
• Removal of unwanted behavior and integrating conflicting beliefs
• Phobia cure and negating irritating experiences
• Anchoring: Accessing personal strengths and resources at will
• Quick behavior Generator: Adopting and adapting to new behavior
• Changing personal history and getting excited of what you wish to do
• Relaxation and anchoring peace and other resourceful states
• Working on powerful goals and eliciting the barriers and limitation in growth
• Learning language patterns and how to use them to get the required results
• Meta model patterns
• Meta Programs
• Rapport building in advance stages
• Reframing behaviors to get the desired results
• Capturing the stage for powerful presentations
• Time line
Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive the certificate from Ram Verma of his unique version known as 'Applied Fundamentals of NLP, also known as AFNLP.
Payment Information:
01. The course fee is payable by Cash / Demand Draft / Cheque favoring 'Ram A. Verma' payable at Delhi.
02. For All kinds of local, National and International Bank Transfers please write in to the programme convener through email to: info@ramverma.com
• A certified coach in Neuro linguistic Programming from the NFNLP, trained under the Dr. William Horton’s coach, President, NFNLP Florida, USA. He is an NLP therapist and also advanced research scholar on Applied Fundamentals of Neuro linguistic programming and its effects on the human behaviour. He is also proficient in individual, family and organizational counseling and therapies.
• Has addressed, motivated and coached over thousands of students, teachers, professionals, executives, senior management, homemakers etc. on exploring their Inner potential, motivation, powerful communication in day-to-day practical life encounters.
• He is the only coach in India, who has developed wide range of NLP techniques to produce wellness mastery, self-image mastery and excellence mastery. His techniques like immunity booster, self-image mastery, wealth mastery and happiness mastery have been a boon for producing amazing wellness excellence.
• He has produced a magnificent NLP based workshop called ‘Personal Excellence ’ in which he makes participants walk across a bed of burning coal by putting them in resourceful states. The NLP coach who has been achieving a unique feat of eliminating people's life long phobia and trauma in less than 30 min with 100% guaranteed results.
• He conducts workshops on Becoming a person of excellence, Eliminating life long phobias and traumas, Selling through NLP, Inspiration and motivational NLP based seminars, Communication and Interpersonal relationships, Business presentation skills, Creativity and probability thinking, Team building and metamorphosis leadership. He has also taken a number of workshops on training the trainer. He is accredited by the NFNLP Florida to take basic and master certification workshop and has over 1000 students addressed and trained by him in Applied Fundamentals of NLP.
• He has handled educational institutions - schools, colleges and universities [both teachers and students], corporate bodies [from gross level to senior management level] and other organizations.
• All his seminars, workshops, and all his programs are totally based on NLP techniques, the methodology which is the core of achieving excellence in personal life and work. He is proficient in English and Hindi.
For more details, visit www.ramverma.com
NLP & Self Image
Have you ever understood why some of the people show the following behavior?
• Why do some people lose their identity when they face even a petty challenge in life and are even resorted to committing suicide?
• Why do some people acquire a lot of wealth either because of lottery-wins or inheritance and lose it again almost as quickly?
• Why do people feel empty within their heart while they have a lot of materialistic wealth in the outer world?
• Why do some of the celebrities rise too high too fast and indulge in self destructive behaviour and falls back to earth?
• Why do some people fail to realize their dreams?
• Why do some people fail to attract wonderful health, wealth, social standing, financial independence and relationships in their life?
The reason is not their luck or they don’t get opportunities. The reason is that they lack a positive and resourceful inner self image. The poor self image makes them feel unworthy in their own eyes. We settle in life for what we feel we are worthy of.
If you want to create the wonders of attraction, create appreciation for yourself first. Heal your poor self image and make yourself worthy of every thing that this universe can gift you.
Come and enjoy my one of the most life-transforming workshop. It will enhance your life-energy, productivity and happiness.
Here lies the detail of the Workshop:
Name of the Workshop
Reprogramme Your Inner Self-Image
Date and Time
March 2010
To avoid any rush or disappointment, please reach the venue in time and take your seats. The seats are available on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
For schools, 1-day workshop available for 1. phobia/trauma elimination, 2. Confidence conditioning & 3. healing inner self-image/esteem & 4. overcoming unwanted habit.Free 2-hour preview availbale in Delhi and NCR on request.
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Ram Verma eliminates phobia & Trauma in 30 min thru NLP
Are you a victim of any phobia like phobia of water, height, driving, snake, fire, darkness, visiting your doctor, exam, interview, meeting your superior, making sales cold calls or public speaking. If it is, it will keep programming your life negatively. It is affecting each area of your life; be it your physical health, your social standing, your financial independence or your relationship. It is preventing you from living your dream life that you desire and deserve.
For the last eight years I have been helping people from all walks of life to get rid of this ‘irrational’ fear. Now you can get rid of any past trauma or phobia in less than 30 minutes permanently through Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Most of your allergies and disease are the result of such phobias. When some of our body cells perceive any foreign material as an attack, they start showing an irrational behavior in the form of allergy.
In 2004, while working with a school child in Hyderabad, I treated successfully his stammering that was an irrational response to his facing his one of the subject teacher in her school.
I invite you in my one of the most empowering workshops to make a positive change in your life. Come and enjoy freedom and go ahead to contribute to the world in a positive way.
Here lies the detail of the Workshop:
Name of the Workshop
Eliminate your life-long trauma and phobia
Date and Time
March 2010
Personal Counselling
Personal counselling for phobia and trauma available with 100% result guaranteed
To avoid any rush or disappointment, please reach the venue of the workshop in time and take your seats. The seats are available on ‘first come first serve’ basis.
For schools, 1-day workshop available for 1. phobia/trauma elimination, 2. Confidence conditioning & 3. healing inner self-image/esteem & 4. overcoming unwanted habit.Free 2-hour preview availbale in Delhi and NCR on request.
NLP wellness workshop in Delhi/India
Are you living life or serving a life sentence? The simple question is what weighs more in your life; health or stress, depression, high blood pressure, heart attack, acidity, migraine or other life discounting disease. Today, the ‘modern’ life has gifted us these killers that keep haunting us and need to be tackled.
Before we try to tackle these issues at physical level, we must understand them well. Any disease is just the ‘effect’ at the physical level. The real causes are the persistent memory of inner infighting, unresolved issues, value conflicts and unaddressed agendas of life. Your body is just the place where all these factors take shape in form of a disease. Any disease is a mirror reflection of the thought and feelings. Any disease is first an idea or feeling that you hold. As Deepak Chopra says, “The cancer cells that the patients dread and physicians battle against are just such phantoms – they will come and go, raising hoes and despair, while the real culprit, the persistent memory that creates the cancer cell, goes undetected.”
Wellness or illness is just the ways that our body uses to communicate with us to let us know what is going on and what needs to be changed at our thinking level.
Our mind is composed of two parts; the conscious or the ‘thinking’ mind and the subconscious or the ‘builder’ mind. The thinking mind creates choices and the builder mind turns those choices into reality. The builder mind is impartial. It does not negate or object what the thinking mind has chosen. It builds from whatever thoughts the thinking mind sends to it without any fear or favor. The thoughts and decisions sent by the thinking mind act as the blueprints for the builder mind. Your physical being is always subservient to the mind.
In other words body and mind are one. What mind thinks, feels, and believes; the body believes, creates and becomes as well. The mind can destroy the body as ably as it builds. So, it is not the body that creates the disease or needs healing rather it is the mind that needs to be reprogrammed for wellness. There is nothing to heal except wrong thoughts, troublesome memories, or false beliefs. Drop these thoughts, memories, and beliefs, and the disease disappear. Though our body knows exactly how to repair itself, yet it can only build from the blueprint laid before it. The new blueprint can be prepared by replacing old negative thoughts, memories and beliefs by new and resourceful ones.
Any unresolved suppressed issue is the disease-causing blueprint for the builder mind. All of us, one time or the other, have emotional reactions that come in our way. You may have fears that keep you from moving forward. Feeling scared, jealous, insecure, burdened with guilt are some of the emotions that can prevent you from going ahead and succeeding in your mission. When such issues remain unresolved, they become the perfect designs for the disaster at the physical level. Many a time we try to suppress the reactions cause by these issues, yet the reality is that the emotion frequently returns—often even stronger and disturbs body-mind alignment and discounts personal congruence.
What the way is out: To let our body repair and heal, we need methods that can help us resolve our issue at thinking as well as builder mind level. These methods need to not only transform our old limiting beliefs but also create a new resourceful state in which mind and body fasten healing. The mind-body technology NLP matches all the expectations to do the required job. NLP is the study of what works in thinking, language and behaviour. It provides us a model to communicate not only to others but also to ourselves, which is more important.
First time in India, I have designed the most empowering NLP based personal excellence and wellness workshop that ensures wellness at physical, mental and emotional level and excellence in each area of life.
* Understanding the cause of illness.
• Breaking through negative and limiting beliefs.
• Transforming limiting or depressing self-image into a resourceful one.
• Eliminating painful memories, fears and phobia.
• Handling troublesome emotions
• Erasing the imprints of illness from unconscious mind.
• Resolving unresolved issues.
• Creating wonderful relationship
• Handling unwanted habits.
• Activating Immune System.
• Enhancing stress capacity.
• Developing self confidence.
• Creating powerful positive perspective.
• Conditioning Unconscious mind for new ‘wonderful you’.
• Developing Neurophysiologic conditioning for optimum performance.
Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Your decision to attend ‘Personal Excellence & Wellness Mastery’ workshop is absolutely risk free. If after participating in the first half of any session of this workshop you decide the event is not right for you, simply notify in writing to a designated official at the program and return your notebook and course materials. We will fully refund your tuition for that session of ‘Personal Excellence & Wellness Mastery’ workshop. You have nothing to lose, and imagine what you will gain!
Here lie the details of the workshop: (Residential/Non Residential)
Name of the Workshop
Personal Excellence & Wellness Mastery (Non Residential)
'The Rudraksha' India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi
Date and Time
March 20 & 21, 2010 (Sat-Sun), from 9.30am to 6.00pm
Rs 5500 per head
Name of the Workshop
Personal Excellence & Wellness Mastery (Residential)
Magsons Holiday Resort, Varindavan
Date and Time
April 9, 10, 11, 2010 (Fri, Sat, Sun)
Rs 11500 per person (On twin sharing basis)
For more details, visit my website, www.ramverma.com
Who is Ram Verma & NLP in India
My name is Ram Verma. I say that I am a son, a brother, a husband, a father, a friend, a reader of self-help books, a speaker and an entertainer. I am a student that keeps learning one of the most wonderful subjects, that is 'what motivates people to do whatever they do and how they can bring about the desired change in what they think and act'. This motivates me to look for various techniques and tools that can be helpful to us to take control of our lives. I came across NLP a few years back. I learnt it and became the first client of myself. And since then the journey of miracles has started.
The One Author Who Changed My World
In 2001, one of my friends suggested me a book called 'Unlimited Power' authored by Anthony Robbins and it became the turning point of my life. This book redesigned my world. So far I have read this book more than 80 times and still reading it. The book remains the same yet I become different every time. Since then I have been enjoying the zone of resourceful states in my life. thereafter I read the second book of Anthony Robbins called 'Awaken The Giant Within'. These two giant books helped me grow in every area of my life. Ever biggest thanks to Anthony Robbins.
How NLP Changed My Life
First time I came to know about NLP through Anthony Robbins' 'Unlimited Power'. I started practicing those techniques and changing my negative mind, body and language patterns to resourceful ones, and that too in a very short time, and some times in a few moments. Since then I have read many a book on NLP written by Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Joseph O'conor, Sue Knight and Steve Andrews. Not only this I have undergone various trainings by Richard Bandler's and Dr Horton's trainers also. Just by exercising NLP techniques I got rid of negative behaviors. I gained a tremendous amount of confidence. I enjoy good physical, mental and emotional health.
I learnt the NLP techniques called 'Modeling' and started producing the same results as the successful people were producing. I learnt 'rapport' and started getting connected to people and created a network of people. I learnt 'Meta Model and Meta Program' and became a communicator. I learnt 'Modalities and Sub-Modalities' and changed my negative and painful past memories and created enough space for positive and resourceful states. I learnt 'Anchoring' and came to know how to get the lost 'zone of excellence' in an instant. I learnt 'Reframing' and learnt how to change my negative behaviors and habits. Any one can learn all these techniques in five to six days and can take the control of his life.
From Fear to Firewalk
With the help of NLP I changed my self-esteem, internal image of myself, and gained confidence. In less than a year I addressed thousands of people and helped them grow in different areas of life. I conducted 'firewalk' seminars for them to experience life uniquely. The firewalk created for them new metaphor of possibilities. After gaining confidence, people came out of their limiting behaviors would walk across fifteen feet bed of coal burning at 2500 degree celcius and create a new resourceful reference for their life that 'if I can do this I can do any thing'.
I Invite You...
I invite you to be more, have more and contribute more positively. You have a tool that million of people are using across the globe to take control of their lives. It is your turn now. Join the next batch and see how things change around you. You may be a parent, a son, a mother, a daughter, a student, a job seeker, an employer, a businessman, a corporate executive, a therapist, a preacher, a sales person or an individual seeking excellence in any fields, you have a magnificent tool to design your life the way you want.
I invite you to be on the better side of life. I invite you to enjoy each moment you are gifted with. I invite you to play your innings wonderfully. I invite you to accept the reward that life has in store for you.
You can read about me more on www.ramverma.com
What is NLP by Ram Verma
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro Linguistic Programming, as the name suggests –‘neuro’ refers to brain, ‘linguistic’ refers to language and ‘programming’ is the installation of a strategy, procedure or plan. NLP is the study of what works in thinking, language, and behavior. It provides a systematic framework for directing our brain and body. It defines the way how we code and produce excellence which enables us to achieve the results that we want in each area of life. With NLP, you can create a set of strategies that can work for you as to how you will make decisions, build lasting relationships, create excellence in your personal and professional life, communicate to motivate your fellow men, and create balance in your life.
NLP is software manual for the bio-computer situated between your two ears. NLP is an effective tool with which you can produce desired results and enjoy peak in your work. It works as a peak performance technique for you.
Today, around the world, NLP is being practiced by Therapists, Counselors, Students, Stage Performers, Sportspersons, CEO’s, Managers, Corporate Executives, Self-Employed People, Businesspersons, Sales and Multi Level Marketing (MLM) leaders, and Politicians.
NLP helps you to learn how to do the following and excel in your life:
* NLP helps you to develop your ability to tap into your unconscious mind and draw on its awesome potential.
* NLP helps you to develop your ability to generate cooperation and trust in people around you.
* NLP helps you to develop your ability to manage your thoughts and feelings so that you are in control of your emotions.
* NLP helps you be more flexible so that you have a number of choices over the challenges and situations in your personal and professional life.
* NLP helps you develop new ways of behavioral choices that support you whatever the changes in the external world.
* NLP helps you to determine your and others value hierarchy and resolve any conflict.
* NLP helps you to have the ability to positively reframe any situation, challenge or behavior to produce more choices.
* NLP helps you to give permanence to any experience.
Foe more details about NLP and Raqm Verma, visit my website, www.ramverma.com
NLP for your wellness
Know who you are
Your three pond brain controls over 100 billion nerve cells by sending impulses 45 miles through a network of nerves at a speed of 145 miles to 250 miles per hour. More than 100,000 different chemical reactions occur in your brain every second. The storage capacity exceeds 4 trillion bytes. The human brain recognizes and remembers some 10,000 different odors and more than 7 million colors. The brain is about 85 percent water and uses 20 percent of the body’s entire oxygen requirement.
Hi, I am Ram, I will be sharing with you some of the unique skills that have been used by millions of people around the globe, and if you practice them they can change your life. Before coming to those wonderful transforming skills, let us know who we are.
Your heart weighs 9 to 11 ounces, begins to beat about 4 weeks after conception, and is usually fully developed by 8 weeks. It continuously circulates 5 quarts of blood on a 100,000 mile journey through your body via the arteries and veins. By the time you are 70 years old, your heart will have beat 2.5 billion times and pumped about 1 million barrels of blood. That is enough blood to fill more than three supertankers. Your body produces more than two million red blood cells every second and each red blood cell contains 270 million hemoglobin molecules. It takes about 20 second for a red blood cell to circle your entire body. If placed end to end, the tiniest blood vessel, called capillaries, would stretch over two times around the world. The heart produces enough pressure to squirt a stream of blood around 30 feet. The resting heart works twice as hard as the leg muscles of a person who is sprinting.
Each day, you take about 23000 breaths, inhaling more than 10000 quarts of air into your lungs. Each lung contains roughly 30000 bronchioles, which are tiny tubes about the thickness of a hair. At the end of each bronchiole is a clump of miniscule air sacs called alveoli. Stretched out, the approximate 600 million alveoli in your lungs would cover a tennis court. Each tiny alveolus has a mesh-type covering of blood capillaries, vessels so narrow that your blood cells have to b e lined up single file to pass through them.
Your skin is the largest organ and the heaviest, weighing in at around 6 pounds. Skin is the most refined sensing device ever created. Conservatively speaking, an area of skin about the size of an adult’s thumbnail contains roughly 3 million cells, 3 feet of blood vessels, 12 feet of nerves, and 100 sweat glands. Your body produces a new layer of skin every 30 days. Your finger tips are covered by a thick, tough layer of skin arranged in a pattern unique to you. No other person in the world has your exact finger prints.
While reading any thing, your eyes will swing back and forth about 100 times a second, and every second the retina performs 10 billion or so computer-like calculations. You blink an average of 25 times a minute and over 6 million times a year. Each blink uses over 200 muscles.
Millions of microscopic hairs in your inner ear help convert wave vibrations into electrical nerve signal that the brain interprets as sound. A person’s listening capacity is from 400 to 600 words per minute; the average speaking rate is 125 to 150 words per minute.
Your nose filters, warm or cools, and humidifies over 500 cubic feet of air every day. It delivers data to the brain on over 10,000 odors. The highest sneeze speed is 165 kilometers per hour.
Your tongue has more than 10,000 taste buds that sense sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and sourness. You mouth make about a liter of saliva a day. After about 70 years, that is enough saliva to fill two swimming pools. Your stomach contains 35 million digestive glands. Your body produces a new stomach lining every 5 days.
Your human body has 206 bone and over 100 joints. Your body has over 600 muscles, and eye movement alone uses about a third of them.
Your body has around 60 trillion cells, and each cell has its own DNA (life’s incredible building code). Stretched out, the DNA of one cell would be about 6 feet long. All the DNA in your entire could fit inside one ice cube- but if unwound your DNA would reach from the earth to the sun and back again nearly 400 times.
Your kidney contains over a million tiny tubes called nephrons. The combined length of the nephron tubes in both kidneys is about 50 miles.
The liver is you body’s perfect chemist. The liver performs over 500 functions, and if a portion of it were removed, it would continue functioning and rapidly grow back to its regular size.
Friends, it simply shows that…
Your human body is a miracle almost beyond comprehension.
Now question is when we have so wonderful system to support us, the why we fail to achieve the thing that we want to achieve. Why we fail to attract the people of our choice, wealth that we deserve, the health we wish to relish. Why we fail to take single action that can change our life and the lives of the people we care about. Why? Why?
And some of the reasons for that are Fears, phobias and traumas. And today I will share with you in this mini workshop called ‘Unleash Your Unlimited Power’. I will share with you how to dissociate from fear and go ahead. I will share as to how build your confidence and take action and get the life that you desire and deserve. I will help you eliminate your phobias and traumas. These two things turn people’s lives into life sentence. Fears, phobias and traumas hold you back to achieve the wonders that you deserve. They are the reasons of more and more pain in your life. These are the things that kill your empowering beliefs, motivation, attitude and commitment in your personal and professional life. These are the things that are compelling our young students commit suicide.
These fears come in form of not tasking any action, postponement, fear of losing love of some one, fear of poverty, fear of unknown. People have phobia of water, flying in aero planes, facing public, exam phobia, public speaking, and interview.
Life traumas too kill our productivity. Past painful memories like losing some one, memories of any accident, memory of any loss, memory of any attack keep killing your present and future.
Today you and I are going to learn to erase those patterns from our lives. Are you ready? If yes, you can do miracles just visit my website, www.ramverma.com